Toilet Paper 101

Earth Day – A Clean Earth Starts At Home

Earth Day – A Clean Earth Starts At Home

Earth Day – A Clean Earth Starts At Home

Happy Earth Day to all who celebrate!
Here at Cottonelle we’re dedicated to developing Forest Stewardship Council® FSC® Certified products1 and today we invite you to join us as we plant our support for a better future.
Cottonelle’s parent company Kimberly-Clark has partnered with The Arbor Day Foundation in 2022 to celebrate their 150th anniversary by committing to planting 1.5 million trees through 2030 in forests of greatest need throughout the US and Canada. Kimberly-Clark is dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources as it delivers its purpose of Better Care for a Better World.
For anyone celebrating for the first time, welcome! You may be wondering, what is Earth Day?
Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 19702. In the aftermath of a 1969 oil spill in California, Senator Nelson conceived the idea of mobilizing Americans to demonstrate against industrial pollution. An estimated twenty million people were inspired to join that day3. Fast forward to current day, Canada and the US celebrate on April 22, the date of the initial protest, but worldwide some countries use the date of the spring equinox (usually March 20th or 21st).

How can someone participate in Earth Day?

  • Plant a tree!
  • Clean up plastic in your neighborhood, local park or beach
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Use wildflowers and native plants in your garden, especially those that attract pollinators (bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds)

What is Arbour Day?

While Earth Day has been celebrated for over 50 years, Arbour Day in Canada (Arbor Day in the US) has a much longer history. First established in Nebraska in 1872, estimates are that a million trees were planted on that very first day4! The idea of a tree-planting festival was proposed by J. Sterling Morgan and gained popularity across Canada throughout the late 1800s. Currently, in Canada Maple Leaf Day falls on the last Wednesday in September during National Forest Week. Ontario celebrates Arbour Week from the last Friday in April to the first Sunday in May, and Nova Scotia celebrates Arbour Day on the Thursday of National Forest Week.

What are 5 benefits of planting trees?

  • Oxygen! Trees produce clean air for us to breathe.
  • Reduced greenhouse gasses: trees absorb carbon dioxide.
  • Natural habitats for animal species, including endangered animals.
  • Increased soil health and reduced soil erosion.
  • Better mental health for us all!5

How Can You Can Make a Difference on Earth Day

Like us, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to green your lifestyle. This Earth Day, you may be wondering what role you can play in making a difference. To protect our earth, start with small choices you make daily, including the household products you choose to purchase. Here are a couple of tips to ensure a clean earth starts at home:

  • Look for the Forest Stewardship Council® FSC® logo on each product you purchase.
  • Research the brands you regularly purchase to learn more about their sustainability practices.
  • Go plastic free where possible.

What is Cottonelle Doing to Develop

At Cottonelle, we are dedicated to developing products that provide an intimate clean that helps you feel like the best version of yourself while promoting sustainable practices that will provide a cleaner world for us all. All Cottonelle products feature recyclable packaging and are Forest Stewardship Council FSC® certified products. Beyond recyclability, Cottonelle has reduced carbon emissions from manufacturing by over 60% since 2015, and 100% of Cottonelle Toilet Paper production is powered by Wind Power 6. To make a year-round difference, integrate FSC® Certified products, such as Cottonelle Toilet Paper and Flushable wipes, into your bathroom routine and sign up to get coupons for Cottonelle toilet paper and wipes today.